Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Summer !!!

My Dearest First Graders,

          It is hard to believe that First Grade has come to an end. What an amazing year it has been! I cannot begin to express how proud I am of your accomplishments this past year. Each and every one of you added something unique, and wonderful to our classroom community. It was such a joy to walk into school each morning and see fourteen smiling, eager faces. My wish for you is that you will carry those smiles and a thirst for learning throughout your whole life. Always remember that there is no such thing as “I can’t” and “I won’t.” Constantly remind yourself that “I can” and “I will.”

                                                                                      Morah Gaby

Students Like You

With students like you, teaching is easy
I look forward to each day;
Your wondering minds keep me on my toes;
You make teaching more like play.
Students like you make teaching rewarding;
When I go home, I'm content;
You pay attention, you learn—giving me
A sense of accomplishment.
Thank you for being the way you are,
For making my job so much fun.
I'll remember how good you made me feel,
Even when my teaching is done.

By Joanna Fuchs

Yummy Ice Cream Party

End of year celebration... :)

"All About Animals" Publishing Party

A publishing party is when we celebrate a a child's writing. In first grade we learned about the features of non-fiction. We spent a lot of time learning about the different parts of non-fiction book, together as a group, independently, and with a partner. Once I modeled for the class, they then went off with their own non-fiction books, and post it notes to locate the various non-fiction features we were learning about. We simultaneously learned about writing non-fiction stories. That is when we began writing non-fiction. The type of non-fiction we wrote is called "All About Books." Each child picked an animal they would like to research and write about. This too was a multi-step process. With each step I modeled for the class what they would have to do, as I was researching Sharks. For example, if they would be researching what the animal looked like, I would take out my book and find the information and write facts on a post it. I would place the post it notes on my own planning sheet, and then they would go off and do the same with their own planning sheets and post it notes. Once the children completed the first step they then had to take all their facts and create a book. First grade was very successful, in creating very comprehensive, and interesting "All About Books." I applaud their hard work. I hope you enjoyed our Publishing Party. The children deserved the recognition!!!

Morah Gaby 


Siddur Party

When a child receives his or her first Siddur it is a very special moment in theie life... :) Below are some pictures, that will allow all of us to remember what a special time this was...

Morah Gaby