Thursday, March 29, 2012

Science: States of Matter

In Science we are learning about the three States of Matter: Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Some of the Inquiries that the children will make  are:

  • What is Matter in the world?
  • What exactly are solids, liquids, and gases?
  • We will examine each state of matter and what its use in the world is. How we use it in our everyday life, and how it can change from one form to another. 
  • To further understand what a solid, liquid, and gas is we will conduct various experiments. 
Take a look at our first experiment: Growing Crystals

Happy Birthday Daniel R.

In March we celebrated Daniel R.'s Birthday.. we even had a special visit from his little sister.. :)

Happy Birthday Alisa G.

In February we also celebrated Alisa G.'s Birthday.. What a great time!!!

Happy Birthday Dalia

Last month we celebrated Dalia's Birthday..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trip to the Model Matzah Bakery

On Tuesday, March 27th we will be going on a trip to the Model Matzah Bakery. This is a really fun trip, where the children will have the opportunity to make their very own Matzah. Although this is a local trip we will be traveling by bus. Also please make sure your children are in school on time. They will be having breakfast before we leave. If you should have any questions please e-mail:

Morah Gaby

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Talents on display in First Grade

In relation to our Hebrew classes, Morah Mushky brought her keyboard to school and children had the opportunity to play for their friends who where delighted to hear them play and sing along.

If your child has another talent that they would like to share in class please let me know and I'll try to find a opportunity to display their talent in relation to what we are learning.