Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our Trip to Historic Richmond Town

100 Years ago we would be making corn bread by a wood burning fire....

Working at the Mill....

Cooking time...

One hundred years ago Mirelle would have to carry that on her sholders with 2 buckets to get water from a well...

Can anyone guess what that basin was used for?? If you guessed to wash dishes you are right... :)

General Store

One of the kids favorites: Basket Weaving

Getting ready to learn in the School House...


One hundred years ago our children would go to school in a small, sticky, stuffy schoolhouse.. It's no Mazel ...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trip to Historic Richmond Town

Tomorrow, May 30th we will be going on a trip to Historic Richmond Town in Staten Island. In Social Studies we spent some time learning about Then & Now. What was life like in Colonial Times? What kinds of responsibilities, and luxuries did adults and children have? Historic Richmond Town is a great place to learn about what life was like THEN ....

Morah Gaby

F.R.E.E. gets a NEW TORAH

Thank You Dr. Robert

Thank you so much for coming to our class and talking about what a dentist does. Patient Bob was an awesome addition. The class cannot wait to play with him. :)

Morah Gaby